Interpersonal Praxis Apologetics Systematic Theology Practical Theology Biblical Theology Relationship Science Philosophy Spiritual Praxis Article Book

My book: Towards a Theology of Relationship

My book on a theology of relationship has been published (by Wipf&Stock)! I am very happy about it and I hope that it will spark something and lay the foundation for further things. The topic of the book is my heart’s, probably even my life’s theme. Several years ago I had already published a booklet […]

Apologetics Systematic Theology Book

Review: The End of Religion

[et_pb_section admin_label=”section”] [et_pb_row admin_label=”row”] [et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”] Conclusion: A profound yet easy read with explosive potential! Before I read this book I did not know much about Bruxy Cavey except for his retro-wild hairstlyle and that he is Canadian and appeared quite trendy in progressive Christian circles. The title of the book then seems almost […]

Apologetics Practical Theology Article

A Relational Solution for Climate Change

I have little knowledge about climate change. I know very little about politics. Nevertheless, as a theologian, I believe that I can make a contribution to the discussion that is both meaningful and perhaps a bit refreshing, since it takes a different perspective than what you hear day in day out. If I am honest, […]

Apologetics Relationship Science Article

The relational proof of God

The title of this article arouses interest. Sure. The proofs of God have always done that. But the result from (church) history is sobering: It seems to be proven that God cannot be proven. At least not in the way we imagine proofs to be. He is still “the wholly other” and so it is […]