Interpersonal Praxis Apologetics Systematic Theology Practical Theology Biblical Theology Relationship Science Philosophy Spiritual Praxis Article Book

My book: Towards a Theology of Relationship

My book on a theology of relationship has been published (by Wipf&Stock)! I am very happy about it and I hope that it will spark something and lay the foundation for further things. The topic of the book is my heart’s, probably even my life’s theme. Several years ago I had already published a booklet […]

Systematic Theology Philosophy Basics Book

Review: Truth as Encounter

Conclusion: Brunner’s Truth as Encounter with its leitmotif of relationship should be rediscovered by theology and the church. Admittedly, this is a very old book. It does not look very attractive. It’s author is not as widely read anymore. However, I believe that this book is of utmost importance expecially for our times; even more […]

Philosophy Video

C.S. Lewis on Love

This is one of the amazing “doodle videos” illustrating themes that C.S. Lewis developed and narrated by himself. He speaks about the four Greek words for love and what they mean and how they interconnect.

Philosophy Spiritual Praxis Article Audio

19 Thingifications

Depersonalization in everyday life… Emil Brunner adapts in his relational theology the conception of Buber (and Ebner) of an I-You vs. an I-it relationship. Simplified one can say that I-You stands for relationships and encounters in which we see the other as a truly “other” human being, as a person and not just an object. […]